Un Professore Film Review

1. Un Professore (aka The Professor) (2021) film | CinemaParadiso.co.uk

  • Reviews of Un Professore. Currently there are no reviews for this title. Write first review. Unlimited films sent to your door, starting at £15.99 a month.

  • Un Professore (aka The Professor) (2021) film. Dante Balestra (Alessandro Gassmann) is a fascinating and unconventional philosophy professor who, after many years of absence, returns to Rome. The professor takes a class at the Leonardo Da Vinci high school where he applies his nonconformist ...

2. The Professor - Rotten Tomatoes

  • A muddled story populated with thinly written characters and arranged around a misguided Johnny Depp performance, The Professor fails early and often.

  • After learning he has six months to live, a college lecturer transforms into a rebellious party animal. To the shock of his wife and school chancellor -- and to the delight of his students -- he leads a crusade against authority and hypocrisy.

3. ‎The Professor (1986) directed by Giuseppe Tornatore • Reviews, film ...

4. Un Professore (TV Series 2021 - The Movie Database

  • Social. Reviews 0; Discussions 0. We don't have any reviews for Un Professore. Media. Most Popular; Videos 0; Backdrops 3; Posters 4. Un Professore. Facts.

5. Un professore • Series - TvProfil

  • Dante Balestra is a philosophy professor who, after many years of absence, returns to Rome to take care of his son Simone. He has a non-conformist teaching ...

  • Dante Balestra is a philosophy professor who, after many years of absence, returns to Rome to take care of his son Simone

6. Un métier sérieux - Filmkrant

  • Bevat niet: Professore | Resultaten tonen met:Professore

  • Deze Franse dramedy over opeenstapelende problemen in het onderwijs neemt het vooral op voor de docenten. Het levert een bevlogen, maar ook eenzijdige film op. ‘Onderwijsministers waarschuwen: grote tekorten aan leraren blijven’, kopt NOS aan het eind van 2023. Mede door naweeën van covid en een krimpende economie lijkt de gepassioneerde docent die leeft om […]

7. The Professor | Rotten Tomatoes

  • In this way, the movie carefully and deliberately dispenses with the characters' histories while making neat use of the various settings. At the same time, the ...

  • Seeking refuge from his tortuous thoughts and his suicidal girlfriend (Léa Massari), a substitute high-school teacher (Alain Delon) falls in love with a student (Sonia Petrovna).

8. The Professor (2018) directed by Wayne Roberts • Reviews, film + cast

  • A world-weary college professor is given a life-changing diagnosis and decides to throw all pretense and conventions to the wind and live his life as boldly ...

  • A world-weary college professor is given a life-changing diagnosis and decides to throw all pretense and conventions to the wind and live his life as boldly and freely as possible with a biting sense of humor, a reckless streak and a touch of madness.

9. Professor T review – Belgian crime thriller gets lost in translation

  • 19 aug 2017 · ... Film. 'We just have to keep fighting': a shocking new film on the ... UN chief calls civilians' plight 'unbearable' · The weirdest thing ...

  • What happens when you put Morse, Sherlock and Taggart into a blender? Professor Jasper Teerlinck – irascible, brilliant and no fan of Ricky Gervais

Un Professore Film Review
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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 6193

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.