1. Un Professore (aka The Professor) (2021) film | CinemaParadiso.co.uk
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Un Professore (aka The Professor) (2021) film. Dante Balestra (Alessandro Gassmann) is a fascinating and unconventional philosophy professor who, after many years of absence, returns to Rome. The professor takes a class at the Leonardo Da Vinci high school where he applies his nonconformist ...
2. The Professor - Rotten Tomatoes
A muddled story populated with thinly written characters and arranged around a misguided Johnny Depp performance, The Professor fails early and often.
After learning he has six months to live, a college lecturer transforms into a rebellious party animal. To the shock of his wife and school chancellor -- and to the delight of his students -- he leads a crusade against authority and hypocrisy.
3. The Professor (1986) directed by Giuseppe Tornatore • Reviews, film ...
Un film ambizioso, crudo, robusto. Imperniato sulla figura del Professore nei cui panni si muove un convinto e convincente Ben Gazzara; l'attore ci mette ...
An imprisoned murderer carries out a violent bid for control of Naples' underworld crime syndicate.
4. Un Professore (TV Series 2021 - The Movie Database
Social. Reviews 0; Discussions 0. We don't have any reviews for Un Professore. Media. Most Popular; Videos 0; Backdrops 3; Posters 4. Un Professore. Facts.
5. Un professore • Series - TvProfil
Dante Balestra is a philosophy professor who, after many years of absence, returns to Rome to take care of his son Simone. He has a non-conformist teaching ...
Dante Balestra is a philosophy professor who, after many years of absence, returns to Rome to take care of his son Simone
6. Un métier sérieux - Filmkrant
Bevat niet: Professore | Resultaten tonen met:Professore
Deze Franse dramedy over opeenstapelende problemen in het onderwijs neemt het vooral op voor de docenten. Het levert een bevlogen, maar ook eenzijdige film op. ‘Onderwijsministers waarschuwen: grote tekorten aan leraren blijven’, kopt NOS aan het eind van 2023. Mede door naweeën van covid en een krimpende economie lijkt de gepassioneerde docent die leeft om […]
7. The Professor | Rotten Tomatoes
In this way, the movie carefully and deliberately dispenses with the characters' histories while making neat use of the various settings. At the same time, the ...
Seeking refuge from his tortuous thoughts and his suicidal girlfriend (Léa Massari), a substitute high-school teacher (Alain Delon) falls in love with a student (Sonia Petrovna).
8. The Professor (2018) directed by Wayne Roberts • Reviews, film + cast
A world-weary college professor is given a life-changing diagnosis and decides to throw all pretense and conventions to the wind and live his life as boldly ...
A world-weary college professor is given a life-changing diagnosis and decides to throw all pretense and conventions to the wind and live his life as boldly and freely as possible with a biting sense of humor, a reckless streak and a touch of madness.
9. Professor T review – Belgian crime thriller gets lost in translation
19 aug 2017 · ... Film. 'We just have to keep fighting': a shocking new film on the ... UN chief calls civilians' plight 'unbearable' · The weirdest thing ...
What happens when you put Morse, Sherlock and Taggart into a blender? Professor Jasper Teerlinck – irascible, brilliant and no fan of Ricky Gervais