Costco Hearing Aids: Comprehensive Guide to Affordable Hearing Solutio (2025)

Many people still don’t know that they can buy hearing aids from Costco without any prescription. Yes, that is right. Costco Hearing aids center is probably the most significant success story of the past decade in the whole hearing aid industry. Sales at Costco hearing centers have been growing at around 20% annually, making the retail giant one of the biggest hearing aid sellers.

The secret to this success, among others, is the ability of Costco to sell bulk products at lower prices.

Costco Hearing Aid Centers

At the time of writing this article, Costco had more than 500 warehouse locations across the United States, with the majority of them having a hearing aid center.

Costco Hearing aid centers have licensed hearing aid specialists working as staff, although some centers also have audiologists in addition to hearing aid experts.

Costco takes advantage of its volume buying and distribution capacity to sell hearing aids at lower prices compared to many private hearing aid clinics.

However, there is a caveat. You must join a Costco Wholesale warehouse club to be able to buy and get specialized services from its Costco hearing aid centers.

Costco Hearing Aids: Comprehensive Guide to Affordable Hearing Solutio (1)

Why is Costco hearing aids so popular?

Costco has a little secret – the combination of very affordable prices for high-quality prescription hearing aids and continually excellent service in its Costco hearing aids centers.

This has allowed Costco to outmaneuver its competitors. Besides, the company also does sound verification on each hearing aid device before it reaches the shelves. It also has competitive return policies and warranties on the products.

Sarah Dawson, an audiologist at Nano Hearing Aids, explains why many people prefer Costco hearing aids: “For many years, Costco has been a popular place to purchase hearing aids. With a wide selection of choices and pricing that can't be found elsewhere, hearing aid shopping can be very appealing for many.”

OTC and Prescription Hearing Aids

Costco offers both OTC and prescription hearing aids from reputable brands such as Rexton, Jabra, and Philips. Individuals can access advanced technology hearing aids at low, low prices.

Do lower prices come with tradeoffs?

Lower-priced Kirkland hearing aids are attractive to many people. But sometimes the affordability may cloud your judgment concerning the tradeoffs.

Hearing aids at Costco come at lower prices compared to most recognized chains and private hearing aid clinics. As mentioned earlier, this is because Costco can buy large volumes and distribute quickly to its various outlets, allowing them to offer lower prices.

Additionally, Costco hearing aids department doesn't have to shoulder the same overhead and marketing costs as private clinics. This enables Costco hearing aids to retail at lower prices.

But, lower prices come with a few, yet significant tradeoffs. For example:

· To access hearing aid services at Costco, you need a warehouse membership, starting at $65 per year.

· Costco's selection may not include the latest models of name-brand hearing aids, as manufacturers often release these first to private audiology clinics.

· While Costco is known for dependable service, fittings are typically performed by state-licensed hearing aid specialists, who have less advanced training compared to audiologists.

· Pricing for hearing aids at Costco starts at advertised base rates but can vary based on:

ü State-specific regulations.

ü The hearing aid model you choose.

ü Additional services you may require.

What's more, Costco dispensers usually don't put enough focus on patients as might private practices or clinic. Additionally, the dispensing model is designed for higher volume instead of exclusive hearing care.

What this means for guys with complex or severe hearing loss is that you will not get any meaningful assistance at that Costco hearing aid center near you.

Costco in-store service is still great

Putting the tradeoffs aside, loyal Costco hearing aids customers rave about the selling model that is geared toward customer satisfaction. Costco hearing aid appointments are easy to make, to begin with. You can schedule an appointment for a free hearing test at the Costco hearing aids center near you, which is usually staffed with licensed hearing aid dispensers or on rare occasions, audiologists.

But since the staff works on salary rather than commission, you will not have to deal with nagging sales pitches.

What is personally find great about Costco hearing aids centers is how they are equipped with soundproof booths to provide the best conditions for hearing tests to take place. This means that your test will not be compromised by the loud shoppers in usually busy Costco warehouses.

After making a Costco hearing aid appointment, the initial hearing evaluation will take approximately 90 minutes. After that, you will fill out an intake form (about four pages) detailing your general health, your hearing health state, and any experience with hearing aids.

Once the test is completed, your provider will recommend the hearing aids that suit your specific needs.

The Costco hearing test is free of charge, which means you take the test and buy a hearing aid elsewhere if you don’t want their offering.

Costco Hearing Aids: Comprehensive Guide to Affordable Hearing Solutio (2)

Popular Costco Hearing Aids Reviews

Costco has become a significant player in the hearing aid market, offering a variety of options that cater to different needs and budgets. Here’s an overview of some popular models available at Costco, along with customer feedback.

1. Jabra Enhance Pro 20

Price: Approximately $1,599 for a pair.

Features: This model includes a third microphone for enhanced sound quality and is designed to manage background noise effectively. It is suitable for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss.

Customer Feedback: Users appreciate its ability to handle noisy environments well, although some have reported issues with sound quality when streaming audio. One user noted, “The Jabra has very little bass and needs to be turned all the way up to hear”.

2. Philips HearLink 9040

Price: Around $1,600.

Features: Known for its advanced AI sound technology and customizable fitting options, the HearLink 9040 aims to improve speech clarity in various settings.

Customer Feedback: Many users have praised its performance in busy environments like restaurants. However, some have experienced issues with fit and sound quality adjustments. One user stated, “I can hear everyone at my table in a busy restaurant,” while another mentioned ongoing issues with lisping sounds during TV viewing.

3. Rexton Reach

Price: Typically around $1,600.

Features: This model is designed for comfort and features strong speech-in-noise capabilities. It fits a wide range of hearing losses.

Customer Feedback: While many find it effective for speech clarity, there are mixed reviews regarding sound quality during streaming. Some users reported feedback issues during phone calls and fluctuations in TV volume.

4. Rexton Bicore

Price: Similar pricing as other Rexton models.

Features: Offers rechargeable batteries and Bluetooth connectivity.

Customer Feedback: Users have reported dissatisfaction with sound quality compared to previous models (like KS9) they owned. Complaints include tinny audio and low call volume.

5. Kirkland Signature (KS10)

Price: Generally more affordable than other brands at Costco.

Features: Made by Phonak, these aids are known for their solid performance and value.

Customer Feedback: Many users express satisfaction with their experience and the programming quality at Costco, although some have had mixed experiences regarding customer service.

Users’ sentiments of Costco hearing aids

Shoppers have different opinions about buying Costco hearing aids. Here are some of the views of customers who have bought hearing aids from this retailer giant:

A friend of mine went to Costco, saw an audiologist there, got the top-of-the-line Phillips which is I think the same as Oticon, and is as happy as a clam in a mudpile. $1500 for both ears total, whereas the equivalent at the local clinic after insurance would've been about $6000.

They had had a test at their doctors office, but couldn't get in to see them for a hearing aid fitting for four months. They took the audiogram to Costco and got their hearing aids right away.

The only thing Costco hearing aids are not equipped to do is deal with tinnitus management because they don't have that kind.

That kind would be Widex or some other brand that also has pink noise white noise generators Zen sound and other background noise which can be mixed in with the hearing aid at just below the mixing level of the tinnitus” - Huge-Squirrel8417.

I saw an audiologist and bought hearing aids at Costco (Canada). At the 'local' hearing aid store (Connect Hearing) they wanted nearly $10K; was just over $2K at Costco for a premium model. Connect Hearing was pushing their monthly payment plan...something like $250/month.” - SuperM1ke.

My father in law got a hearing test at his audiologist - he has mid-severe hearing loss. A week later he took the audiogram printout from his test to Costco and they programmed his new Jabra hearing aids exactly from the test results. He’s never been happier with his vastly improved hearing abilities. Btw, the Costco he went to has an audiologist on staff.” - rajmahid

Costco does an excellent, thorough job. Hearing tests must be licensed by a provider. Costco does a good job training and licensing their employees.” - AprilinChan.

Why some people may not go for Costco hearing aids

Dr. Cliff Olson, an audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions, has been very vocal about his shift away from recommending Costco for hearing aids in a recent video. He initially supported Costco for its affordable hearing aids and comprehensive fitting services, including Real Ear Measurement, which ensures proper programming to individual hearing loss prescriptions. However, he has observed a significant number of patients dissatisfied with their experiences at Costco, leading him to question the quality of care provided there.

Key points from Dr. Olson's critique include:

High Patient Discontent: Approximately 50% of new patients in his clinic had previously sought hearing aids from Costco but were unhappy with their outcomes. Dr. Olson explains: "I started noticing that around 50% of the new patients coming into my clinic had previously gone to Costco and they were not happy either with the experience they had at Costco or their overall hearing performance from a treatment standpoint.”

Lack of Personalized Care: Specialists at Hearing and Balance Doctors had this to say about insufficient personalized care at Costco hearing aid centers: "One thing that we would tell you is that healthcare is not Costco's strong point... there are just some things going on there that are difficult.”

They continue: "The little earpiece that went in your ear wasn't blocking out the warehouse sounds... it gave a false hearing loss in those low frequencies.”

Concerns About Device Quality: Issues with the Kirkland Signature hearing aids, particularly regarding battery reliability, have raised doubts about the overall quality of devices offered at Costco.

Dr. Olson suggests that Costco could improve by enhancing its standard of care, allowing providers more time with patients, and ensuring better training and support for audiologists. He emphasizes that effective hearing treatment requires a person-centered approach and adherence to best practices in audiology.

Costco hearing aid alternatives

If you don’t want to buy your hearing aids from Costco, you will be happy to know that there are lots of alternatives. Chosgo hearing aids provide a great blend of customer satisfaction, quality technology, and durability – all at affordable prices.

Designing and making top-notch quality hearing aids is Chosgo’s main objective. You can buy hearing aids online without a doctor's visit or prescription. We have a team of in-house audiologists and engineers who collaborate to design Chosgo hearing aid devices that cater to all kinds of hearing loss, starting at just $99.

Chosgo achieves lower prices for its hearing aids because the company designs and manufactures the devices themselves.

You can purchase Complete-in-Canal (CIC), Invisible-in-Canal (IIC), Behind-the-Ear (BTE), or Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aids – you are spoilt for choice!

Costco Hearing Aids: Comprehensive Guide to Affordable Hearing Solutio (2025)
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